The Night Shift: Supernatural SFX

The Night Shift is the production diary of Fighting Owl Film's new independent supernatural-adventure-comedy of the same name currently in "post" in Mobile, AL. Over the course of the next several weeks and months, you'll get an insider's peek at what it's like for filmmakers to craft a new entry of paranormal pop culture from Erin Lilley, a producer and actress on the film.
Supernatural SFX
There's just something about watching Herbie explode that fills me with Christmas cheer. Well, maybe not Christmas cheer exactly, but it sure does make me happy. There's nothing quite like watching that flaming skull streak across the screen. It gets me all giddy. Then again, at this point, I'm all for maiming the skeleton, even if it is just through computer generated imagery.
As you've probably guessed, the special effects have come in. We have glowing ghosts, fabulous fire, and mystifiying muzzle flashes (okay, so not really mystifying, but go with me on the alliteration). I think my favorite effect, so far, is one where our lead, Rue, enters a  portal (it all makes sense in the script, I promise!). There's a slight green-ish ripple when he crosses through. It actually looks very organic and natural for it to be there, and for that, I commend the artist. In fact, none of our effects are really "over the top". There were even a couple of shots where I had no idea what the effect even was until Thomas told me. They were realistic enough that I didn't recognize that they weren't originally in the shot. That's the mark of good work, right there. 
All of the shots are being color-corrected and edited into the film, presently. Thomas estimates we're about a month away from a finished product, assuming everything pieces together correctly. That's perfect, because I'm about a month away from my first talks with potential screeners. It's nice how that all works out. Now, let's just hope it does all work out.

We're still plugging away at this thing. In the meantime, you can follow The Night Shift at You can check out the poster, trailer, cast and crew, and some fun downloads. Heck, if you like, you can even be our friend on Facebook and Twitter (@NightShiftMovie), where you can follow more of the progress of the movie.