'Doctor Who' Season Eight Premiere Date and Trailer Released

Image Courtesy Official Doctor Who Facebook
After Matt Smith's Christmas regeneration/departure, Whovians everywhere wondered how long they would have to wait before officially meeting the Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Well, wonder no more! Earlier, the BBC announced that the eighth season of the sci-fi smash hit will be premiering in late August:

"The new Doctor lands on August 23, with a feature-length first episode called “Deep Breath” – starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as his companion, Clara.”

Along with the premiere date, the BBC also released a new teaser trailer for the upcoming season, where we catch a glimpse of a confused Clara being asked if the Doctor is a good man. With "Doctor Who: the World Tour" kicking off soon, it's safe to assume that fans will be treated to even more sneak peeks, new information and trailers right up until the premiere on August 23.

Slap on your bow ties and check out the newest teaser!

-Nowal Massari