'Walking Dead' finale wrap-up, ratings, Season 4 tease

Morrissey, courtesy AMC
Sunday brought a close to the third season of The Walking Dead but that doesn’t mean that news on the series ceases. Oh no, folks, there will be ample news trickling in right up until Season Four begins on October. In fact, it's already starting.

The fact that the finale drew a staggering 12.4 million viewers while it aired directly against the season premiere of HBO’s Game of Thrones (which also boasts zombies, and impressive numbers: a record-breaking 6.7 million for the night) proves that paranormal themes in pop culture is a dominant force.

People obviously love this show; it strikes a chord in us. It makes us think, "How would I handle this situation?" That's good TV.

Filming on TWD begins this May for Season Four, and according to The Hollywood Reporter, David Morrissey will return in all his Governor glory as a regular on the series. So this means the war will continue? Do we want it to? Or did we like it better when it was humans against zombies instead of humans fighting other humans for power? Can’t we all just get along? It’s the frigging zombie apocalypse!

The finale was filled with lots of human deaths but we were expecting more, right? Over at Entertainment Weekly, show/comic creator Robert Kirkman discussed the finale. He even sort of admits that he tricked us into believing the finale would result in the death of the Governor:
EW: Okay, let’s start with the living. I think a lot of people assumed the Governor would die in last night’s episode, which is what happens in the comic book. Did you always plan for this to be a character who lasted more than one season? 
ROBERT KIRKMAN: That was always the plan. I think everybody involved in the Walking Dead has kind of caught on to that cable trope of bringing a big new character into a series and then, by the end of that season, that character magically dying or being written out of the show in some clever way. We really wanted to give people that sense that this was the kind of thing we were doing — but flip the script at the end. We’ve got a lot more to do with the Governor.
It is also apparent that the series isn’t following the comic books. It was straying all along but it’s really veered off course. For example, Andrea survives her situation in the comics and Kirkman admits that, "I can imagine there are a good number of fans that are frustrated by it and heartbroken over it and that’s what we’re going for."


Kirkman actually qualifies this by saying, "Well, we want people to be invested in these characters. We want every death to be as emotional as possible. When you see Season Four, and you see how that death has affected Rick and how it’s changed all these characters and what’s come from that death, I think it will all make sense. But no deaths are decided upon flippantly."

So what about Carl? Kirkman admits that we should be concerned about him, how he’s growing up in the horrible post-apocalyptic world and that he’s in a dark place. He states that in Season Four, "Rick’s going to have a hard time reeling that guy in and trying to find a shred of that kid’s humanity and bringing it to the forefront."

Apparently they are halfway done with writing Season Four and it will be all about "change" ...in the prison, in Rick, how the conflict with Woodbury has affected everyone...oh, and he promises zombies too. Thank goodness because the finale seriously lacked them. MORE ZOMBIES!

We promise we’ll keep you up to date on any more TWD news. We want to know what you want to see in Season Four. The countdown begins.

-Larissa Mrykalo