Free Comic Book Day sneak peek: 'Walking Dead,' 'Superman,' 'Star Wars'

And, lo! did the comic book industry declare a high holy day in an effort to introduce new people to comic books and increase their sales. The powers that be agreed there should be such a day each year, and soFree Comic Book Day was born!

This year, Free Comic Book Day falls on Saturday, May 4 (yes, the same day as May The Fourth/Star Wars Day; the geek planets have aligned) and even Hugh Jackman is excited about it.

The more cynical of people would probably expect just a few low quality issues to be released for free, but that would be far from the truth. Even though these comics will not cost the consumer anything, the output is usually pretty good and, ultimately, enjoyable. The industry hopes they'll be able to get their hooks into you and entice you into buying at least one or two titles on a regular basis, then increase your need for a comic goodness fix! Yes, there are plenty of super hero themed comics available for this event, but the really nice thing is the number of titles that are kid friendly. One might even say kids are the ones being targeted most of all, because, after all, they are the future. For the kids, check out titles like Sesame Street/Strawberry Shortcake, The Smurfs and Spongebob to see what I mean...

Other cynics might think there would be little or no major characters or major titles, but they would also be incorrect. This year, you can expect to see titles like The Walking Dead, Star Wars, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and characters like Superman and The Hulk setting the super hero pace. There's also a couple of debuts in new titles, Molly Danger, and a comic-inspired and titled after NBC's hit series, Grimm.

The biggest demand will likely be for The Walking Dead, Superman: The Last Son of Krypton (Special Edition) and Infinity. For The Walking Dead, you can look forward to reprinted stories starring Michonne, the Governor, and Morgan. But, you'll also catch a new solo story with Tyreese!

And Image/Skybound is saying none of these stories will ever be reprinted in trade paperbacks, so this is something The Walking Dead fan will want to nab.

Meanwhile, DC is releasing the first chapter of the Superman: The Last Son of Krypton graphic novel, penned by Geoff Johns. However, Marvel may have the most demand with their release of Infinity. Not only is this a new story, but it's the first issue in a new title for Marvel.

Those who think they can wait for the retail release of Infinity #1 will be sorely disappointed, as it's being reported that the first sold issue will be picking up where the free issue leaves off. That's right! You'll be missing Thanos' (sound familiar? Check out rumors for the Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 2 movies) first salvos attacking the Earth with only Black Bolt and the rest of the Inhumans left to defend us while the Avengers are taking care of business on the other side of the universe.

Go on over to and check out all the titles being released as well as look up what stores in your area are participating. Don't forget to check out the creator signings link. Some of the artists and writers might be coming to your area to sign your free comics!

Go! Take advantage of this opportunity to see what's going on in comics these days! Did I mention these comics are free?

-David Berck