Does Edward melt in your mouth? Your hand? Not at all?
You can find out at Blockbuster. The chain is selling chocolate Edward, Bella and Jacob (blah) candy bars at branches around the country. A product of Necco (throwback!), the bars are all called "Heart's Desire," which bothers me—if you're going to pimp the heck out of this franchise, do it with a dash o' creativity, Necco. But wait! There's more: Check out the Sweetheart candies, which take the standard Valentine's Day conversation hearts and add a Twi twist. Phrases include "Lamb" (If you haven't read the books, don't even try to understand), "I heart EC" and "Forks." Oh, yes. A candy heart that says "Forks." The romance is overwhelming. If you ever ask yourself, "Do things filed under 'paranormal' really top the popular culture charts?" revert to this post for the answer. — amy kates