'New Moon': This will geek you out!
Sweaty palms, heavy breathing, heart in overdrive: Merry-Christmas-in-July, It's Comic-Con! It's going down right now on the left coast, and my inner nerd is rejoicing, thanks especially to this video I just found at ew.com. In this first-look New Moon chatfest, Taylor Lautner speaks, Ashley Greene giggles, and, oh my stars there's a clip called "Bonus Robert Pattinson." And if that's not enough, we've made pop culture history, folks: For the first time since Twilight hit the big screen, it's Kristin Stewart's hair we're giving the crazy eye, not R-Pattz's. (FYI, she's channeling Joan Jett. Don't judge.) Check out the stars' take on New Moon, dropping almost four months to the day. — (a downright giddy) amy kates