And you thought Woody Harrelson just kept bar. Come October, he’s a certified zombie killer. The poster for Zombieland dropped today, and I’m loving it—a nice break from, oh, I don’t know, crazy ish like this, perhaps? Although I am a bit disturbed: I feel like one of my favorites images from childhood—you know, that old-school McWorld campaign—has mated with a fiery inferno to eek out the destruction of Earth as we know it. But since I’ve been jonesin’ for a campy zombie flick since Shaun of the Dead, I’m so on board.
It's a solid cast for the genre—Harrelson, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Jessie Eisenberg, Billy Murray as a zomb (rubs hands together gleeeefully), not to mention the whispers around the 'Wood that Matthew McConaughey drops in. Initially iffy about Harrelson having enough crazy to pull off the role, I remembered this, and now fear not. Check out the trailer below. —amy kates