In case the pure paranormal pop culture awesomeness of that hasn't sunk in, let me repeat it: Patrick Stewart saw a ghost - while onstage with Ian McKellen.
I'm not going to lie, this news has caused a geektasm of epic proportions.
The info comes courtesy of the Telegraph in the UK, where Godot was playing until Aug. 9. Apparently during the show, McKellen noticed Stewart was caught off-guard, and when they exited, he asked,"What happened, what threw you?"
"I just saw a ghost. On stage, during Act One," Stewart replied. He was apparently stunned about the event and told everyone about it.
Nobody caught any images of the ghost, which doesn't surprise me. If I saw Prof. X and Magneto walking towards me (with Wolverine providing backup), my spectral butt would disappear faster than you could say, "Engage."
-aaron sagers