Each week at Paranormal Pop Culture, we give you a taste, morsel, delicious crumb and even appe-teaser of a new Tara Normal comic contained in one single panel from the upcoming installment of the adventures the coolest comic paranormal investigator out there. You will be left with many questions (What will happen next? How will Tara get out of this jam? What does it all mean? Why is there gratuitous comic nudity on display??), but few answers - until the next day when you can head over to TaraNormal.com to see the entire entry. We also encourage online harassment of creator Howie Noel at the site and on Twitter @hcnoel. Enjoy!
Tara Normal: One Panel Preview of ...
Case #2: The Men Who Stare At Goatmen, Scene 28
This week Captain Unknown Soldier, host of Captain Unknown Soldier's Scary Movie Show, tells Tara Normal his origin story ...well, actually he just hands her a copy of his origin story issue from his comic book series.
But, is it a limited edition comic? Will Captain Unknown Soldier sign it? With his own name? Will he instruct Tara on proper polypropylene bagging a collector's issue like this?
Find out tomorrow at TaraNormal.com.