The Night Shift is the production diary of Fighting Owl Film's new independent supernatural-adventure-comedy of the same name currently in "post" in Mobile, AL. Over the course of the next several weeks and months, you'll get an insider's peek at what it's like for filmmakers to craft a new entry of paranormal pop culture from Erin Lilley, a producer and actress on the film.
One-sheet surplus
The posters are in! I now have 40 bright and shiny posters on my dining room table. I have to say, there's a very odd feeling that goes along with opening up a package and seeing your face staring back at you. These are mainly for cast, crew, and local publicity purposes, right now. Once the film is completed, we'll order more to take to festivals, conventions, and anywhere else that will show this puppy. It's exciting times, over here.
One-sheet surplus
The posters are in! I now have 40 bright and shiny posters on my dining room table. I have to say, there's a very odd feeling that goes along with opening up a package and seeing your face staring back at you. These are mainly for cast, crew, and local publicity purposes, right now. Once the film is completed, we'll order more to take to festivals, conventions, and anywhere else that will show this puppy. It's exciting times, over here.
As of right now, the short has been screened seven times: one convention, one arts festival, and five film festivals. The latest was just this past weekend at the Queen City Scare Fair Horror Film Festival in Meridian, Miss. Other Fighting Owl Film shorts have screened in festivals, as well. In fact, we have a short in the South Alabama Film Festival in Mobile this weekend. These festivals have been wonderful learning experiences for us, and we're hoping for similar success with the feature.
Hopefully, we'll have lots of places to show the film and hand out these posters. If not ... well, I guess I can wallpaper the bathroom with them.
Hopefully, we'll have lots of places to show the film and hand out these posters. If not ... well, I guess I can wallpaper the bathroom with them.
In other zombie news: how cool was The Walking Dead! After working on a zombie movie for ... oh, I've lost count of the months, now, I sort of felt it was my duty to check out the new zombie television series. I have not read the graphic novel, sadly, so I had no idea what to expect. Personally, I loved it. The zombies were creepy, disgusting, and appropriately sympathetic. The human characters are played for realism, and you can definitely feel for what they're going through.
Granted, if you've ever seen a zombie movie, the pilot could seem a little predictable, but I'm really looking forward to seeing where they go with this premise. Of course, I sat there the whole time thinking, "gee, I wish we could have had some of those neat CGI effects in our move," and, "gosh, that makeup looks fantastic. Wonder how much that cost?"
Oh, well. It's people like me that keep people like AMC on their toes, I guess. That said, if they ever need a test audience, they know where to find me.
We're still plugging away at this thing. In the meantime, you can follow The Night Shift at You can check out the poster, trailer, cast and crew, and some fun downloads. Heck, if you like, you can even be our friend on Facebook and Twitter (@NightShiftMovie), where you can follow more of the progress of the movie.