Hans Holzer was a renowned paranormal researcher and journalist who wrote more than 140 books. He was a mainstream success within paranormal pop culture, as well as with the dedicated community. After he passed away, his daughter Alexandra took up the mantle and continues to follow in her father's footsteps. This recurring feature written by Alexandra explores the work of both Holzers and provides insight into their unique relationship as First and second generation paranormalists blazing a ghostly trail for the past, present and future in science and metaphysics."
When it comes to my father's favorite books, there are way too many to list. Hans was an avid book collector who enjoyed everything from Chinese Medicine to Astrology, UFOs, Healing, Sexual Practices, Flowers and Nature. And of course, there were a lot of paranormal books in that stack, but I don't need to list those. Instead, if you'd like to get more of a look at the man behind the public figure, I'd advise you to read some of these favorites (some are no longer in print and require some searching to find).
T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Body and Mind in Harmony: An Ancient Chinese Way of Exercise to Achieve Health and Tranquility by Sophia Delza
The Good News Publishing Company, North Canton, Ohio, circa 1975
I find this choice hilarious because his 'idea' of exercise was stretching in the morning, letting out a loud roar of a yawn and grabbing his first cup of Joe for the day!
Secrets of Life Extension: How to Halt or Reverse the Aging Process and Live a Long and Healthy Life by John A. Mann
Harbor Publishing Inc., circa 1980
He tried his hand at every trick in the book, literally! He gave up on his hair long before his hair knew it was doomed to be a dome however; the ladies still loved him and his witty charm. I read the book and it is simple yet clear as to what us humans need to be doing. Going back to the basics.
Enochian Yoga: Uniting Humanity and Divinity by Gerald and Betty Schueler
Llewellyn's High Magick Series, circa 1995.
This is a read he liked because it combined magick with a form of exercise that for the life of him he could never ever do: yoga. He would have to tell his legs to bend this way and that way as well as his back to actually move in more than one position. That would be the typical writer's position ... doing 'the chair swivel,' and that's how far he got in yoga. Magick, well he did have eye of newt in a fogged-up looking glass jar so who knows!
Vibes Book: A Game of Self Analysis by Ellin Dodge Young and Carol Ann Schuler
Samuel Wesier, Inc., New York Circa 1992
Hans and his games, let me tell you! Let's hit up the first chapter entitled 'Love and Sex.' Here it is teaching Hans the modern era of new approaches to love and sex. Ahem. I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Okay, continuing on. It explains how sex and love are not the same and are separate. It goes into showcasing dirty and quick readings on one's individual sexuality and now my head is ablaze spinning like Linda Blair. It goes by your birth date to analyze your sexual ways. He'd have over his girlfriends and late into the night I'd hear giggling pouring from the thick Upper West Side Manhattan walls to our pre-war building, which then filtered into my room as it was connected to his room! Lucky me.
Wildflowers of the West by Mable Crittenden and Dorothy Tefler
Celestial Arts, California Circa 1975
According to this book, every person in the West is looking for wonderful varieties of wildflowers growing from the seashores to the mountaintops. I am stumped on this one because any living, breathing plants we had in our swanky Manhattan apartment died within a week of getting it. Oh, my mother tried to get tree plants in beautiful potted bases overlooking the Hudson River, with views capturing the sunlight filtering in on a grand New York City day but to no avail. Hans' watering skills were less than up to being par. Sometimes when he was dating, his lady callers would bring flowers to him only to crossover to the other side rather quickly. I wonder if he had to do any investigative work for 'sudden floral-death'? I can ask him.
Next time I will continue on the topic of more books and include his favorite magazines from the fifties on up. Then, I will introduce you to his musical passion which very likely could have been his future had it not been for Manhattan's famed-psychic and founder Eileen Garrett!