Having just premiered its second season, the show follows Joe Maddalena and his Profiles in History auction team as they scour the country hunting down (and authenticating) the coolest props/costumes/vehicles/etc that we love from movies, TV and more. But their newest acquisition, the house from American Horror Story, isn't hard to find.
The first season of the bizarro FX network cult hit centered around the house, and became as much of a character on the show as the actors. Now on the market, the episode of Hollywood Treasure featuring the house will air Tuesday, May 29 at 10 PM ET/PT on Syfy.
Profiles in History says that construction of the house began in 1904 and was completed in 1908 befoe the Catholic Church added a chapel addition in 1954. The house sits on approximately 3/4 an acre and is around 12,000 square feet. The home was built by renowned architect Alfred Rosenheim and is currently a designated historic monument. The house will be going on the market for $12 million. Maddalena and his Profiles staff will help market the property around the world with Brad Downs of Rodeo Realty Inc. of Beverly Hills, California.
Maddalena showing off his ruby slippers, courtesy Syfy |
“We’re trying to expand our reach into all areas of things that have to do with television and motion pictures and this opportunity came along. We got a phone call from a guy, and he said, ‘Hey, I have some things from American Horror Story.’ I’m like, ‘Well great. It’d be cool to get some props.’ And lo and behold, we met this man and we ended up at the American Horror Story house. The actual house is here in Los Angeles and it was surreal because I had no idea. And I’m walking up to it and it was really eerie, because you’re in the house. You’re in the rooms. You’re in the basement. You’re thinking of people hanging themselves and all this crazy stuff going on. And it’s really cool because this was like a 17,000 square foot mansion. It’s just another side of our business that we’re pursuing, is we’re going after these properties now, because they have such a value besides being a house. So for an American Horror Story fan, it was the coolest thing I’ve ever walked through in my entire life, to go through that house. And it was scary. Being in the basement, they turned the lights off. You wanted to run out of there!”