Kids are makin’ trouble in the neighborhood of Lovecraft in Clockworks #6 but there is no Aunt Viv and Uncle Phil to come to the rescue, little bunny foo-foos are hopping through the universe in Saucer Country #3 with their little beady eyes set on invading American politics and Truman finally learns how to change his own Free Mason diaper in The Manhattan Projects #3 while FDR undergoes a Frankenstein treatment and learns to stop worrying and love the bomb in this week’s Paranormal Pop Comics rundown:
Clockworks: Locke & Key #6 (of 6)
Written by Joe Hill; Art and Cover Art by Gabriel Rodriguez
In this stunning conclusion of Clockworks, we find Joe Hill’s gang of misfit teens at it again and this time there will be blood. There is civil unrest amongst the adolescents of Lovecraft as the hunt for the Omega Key continues…and ends. Powers from previously discovered keys come into play resulting in a gender bending, bone crushing, deliciously murderous good time as the final good kid vs. bad kid showdown unravels in the bowels of The Drowning Cave. Not to be missed, Joe Hill should hang up another key on his magical chain…the key to my heart. Okay, that was corny but this storyline is great, “key”-ep reading!
Saucer Country #3
Written by Paul Cornell; Art and cover by Ryan Kelly
As if it weren’t bad enough that books like It have made us afraid of Clowns and movies like Child’s Play have instilled a fear of dolls into the American psyche, but now we are being attacked by a malicious gang of bunnies? BUNNIES? Well, that’s what Governor Alvarado’s ex-husband claims the aliens that abducted him and his ex-wife/Governor looked during one of his hypno-regression therapy sessions. As for Presidential hopeful Arcadia Alvarado? Well, she’s employed her cracker jack team of advisers to figure out what the hell is going on in outer space these days and finally answer the question of whether or not Earth is about to be invaded. The team in turn employs Harvard professor Joshua Kidd who, coincidentally, is having his own visions of alien life-forms. Little glowing people and green men with oversized craniums I can handle…but please Paul Cornell, say it ain’t so, anything but bunnies!
The Manhattan Projects: The Bomb! #3
Written by Jonathan Hickman; Art by Nick Pitarra and Cris Peter
I hate history but I love twisted historical fiction. FDR is dead and therefore so are the Manhattan Projects, right? RIGHT? Nope, in this “what if” series Jonathan Hickman explores several scenarios in which the alternately devious and righteous progression of technology can either improve or destroy the human race. Was there a third bomb developed by Oppenheimer, and if so, when launched will it be ridden by a rodeo cowboy who will whoop and holler waving his hat toward impact? I resent the implication that Truman ever wore a diaper to Free Mason meetings but don’t doubt for a second that a dead body can be brought back to life in some capacity. I’m still waiting for the day when MCA can be brought back in a head jar like on Futurama, RIP Adam Yauch and long live the brain of FDR.
Also released this week:
Avengers vs. X-Men #4
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth – Devil’s Engine #1 (of 3)
The Darkness #103
Top Cow
Saga #3
Dark Horse Presents #12 - To be released May 23
Dark Horse is releasing the twelfth installment of the critically acclaimed Dark Horse Presents series on May 23rd. This most recent issue of DH's anthology of comics greatness will feature a brand-new Aliens story by Chew’s John Layman and legendary artist Sam Kieth, Dean Motter’s Mister X, and last but not least, the reemergence of Mike Baron and Steve Rude’s intergalactic fighting force, Nexus. I am also happy to mention there will be a Steve Niles favorite Criminal Macabre making an appearance along with the popular Black Beetle series and L.A. Book Prize awardee Carla Speed McNeil’s Finder.