Ghost Ghirls (extra "H" in girls for emphasis), executive produced by comedian, Jack Black and created by Jeremy Konner, Amanda Lund and Maria Blasucci revolved around two pretty and seemingly incompetent ghostbusting gals whose mission is to tackle the paranormal with a comedic twist.
Syfy, however, did not pick up the half-hour pilot.
Well Mr. Black was not going to be stopped, and his production company, Electric Dynamite and Shine America, sold 12, 10-minute webisodes of Ghost Ghirls to Yahoo Screen this spring.
The series will boast celebrity guest stars Molly Shannon, Jake Johnson (New Girls), Jason Schwartzman and Black himself, who told The Hollywood Reporter, "Ghost Ghirls is the funniest idea for a TV show that we've seen since I've been in the business."
Along with A Haunted House and Scary Movie 5, might 2013 be the year for paranormal investigative spoofs? A preview of Ghost Ghirls is available over at Yahoo Screen.
-Larissa Mrykalo