Promoted as "The Most Terrifying Movie You Will Ever Experience," the April 5 Evil Dead reboot has been building steam since the July 2011 announcement from original director Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures. The red band trailer kicked up a little more excitement, and the hope is that those who haven't even seen the original will show up for the gore-fest, while also appealing to horror fans of the original.
And while he is a producer on the film, which makes him an invested cheerleader, Ash Williams himself Bruce Campbell has promised, "The remake's gonna kick some ass — you have my word."
Dread Central recently snagged an exclusive interview with the dynamic young cast of the Evil Dead remake -- embedded after the jump -- including Shiloh Fernandez, Lou Taylor Pucci, Jessica Lucas and Elizabeth Blackmore, who stopped to chat at the 2013 SxSW Film Festival. All fans of the original films, the stars dished on their respective characters as well as their experiences on set, which ranged from comical to strenuous and intense, not unlike the movie itself.
The accompanying article sums up the film, which was co-written by director Fede Alvarez and Rodo Sayagues. Sticking close to the plot of its predecessor, the movie features a group of friends who unwittingly summon demonic forces after they find an ancient (and seriously ominous-looking) book during a remote cabin retreat. And as the reviews start trickling in, things are looking pretty positive for the flick.
-Virginia Fasulo