What is the Possibility of a Zombie Invasion? This Infographic Offers Answers

Courtesy answersafrica.com
Zombies are all over the place these days and have infiltrated our brains quicker than they'd eat them. From commercials to hit TV shows to big budget films, it seems that we're already in the midst of an invasion of the walking dead. But is it an actual possibility?

According to an infograghic from NeoMam Infographic Studios, since the 1980s scientists have been seriously studying the likelihood of a zombie invasion. NeoMam decided to look into this further and created a breakdown of the most popular zombifiers and their plausibility of happening. 

From a parasitic infection and neurotoxins, to a real rage virus, to neurogenesis, right down to robot zombies. Yes, robot zombies. Check out this scary cool breakdown (after the jump) and prepare yourselves...you never know!

-Larissa Mrykalo

Zombie Invasion Infographic

Zombie Invasion Infographic [Infographic] by the team at wish.co.uk