The Spike VGX was held on Saturday, December 7, and obviously yielded some cool gaming news. The event is touted as, "VGX, the next generation of Video Game Awards, is an all-day gaming experience, and a true binging dream for gamers." If you missed it, want more details or want to watch the video clips for world premieres, click on the link and head on over.
One of the (many) big reveals of the event was that the studio behind "The Walking Dead" video game series, Telltale Games, has announced that they're making a "Game of Thrones" series. The game is based on the HBO show and will be similar to their other series games.
According to a piece over at Kotaku, "Telltale says it'll be similar to their previous series, and there will be big battles—'You'll be swinging a sword now and then.'—but not the type of heavy action scenes you'd see in other video games. It is still Telltale."
The game is still in development but we'll keep you posted on when it will be available.
-Larissa Mrykalo