According to "The Hollywood Reporter," the sequel to Brad Pitt's zombie hit "World War Z" will be directed by the Juan Antonio Bayona, the Spanish director behind "The Impossible" and "The Orphanage." The former was a critically-acclaimed film about the 2004 Asian tsunami and starred Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts. "WWZ" is, of course, loosely adapted from Max Brooks' zombie oral history, and the move to bring in Bayona may further signal producer Pitt's desire to have a real-world apocalyptic grittiness to the film. Though it ended up grossing $540 million globally, "World War Z" was beset with drama, which included some between Pitt and Marc Forster, who directed the initial installment of the planned franchise. The original ending to that film, and a lot of other footage, was scrapped and the film was subjected to months of expensive reshoots.
-Aaron Sagers