Zombie Sexual Harassment At Nerdist
Just when you think you’ve heard it all about zombies….
Over at the Nerdist Channel, their show "Set List - Stand-Up Without A Net" brings comics onstage in front of an audience to perform on the spot -- about any subject shown on a screen, based on audience suggestions. It's sort of like "Whose Line Is It Anyways" for comics. And recently, at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland, French comedian Marcel Lucont was prompted with "Zombie Sexual Harassment" and he gave us some great advice.For instance, he points out the English language has too much wordplay, which leads to the confusion when you're told to go for the "head" to kill a zombie.
Anyhow, the rest of his set is hilarious. Are we a polar bear or not? How do we find out about the Top Secret Police Force? Check out the video below and form your own opinions, I can’t say too much about it without telling you everything. But check out the video above.
Sounds to me like Zombie Sexual Harassment is a serious issue. Maybe we call Sarah McLachlan and have her record a song for a super sad commercial to rope people into supporting for their cause? Yes ... no?
-Ashley Chasteen