Courtesy AMC |
"The Grove" certainly ranks up there as one of the most difficult episodes of "The Walking Dead" to watch. The most talked about scene was undoubtedly when Carol and Tyreese make the horrific discovery that Lizzie murdered her sister Mika to make a sick point. Even more horrifying was that she was about to kill Judith. We also learned that Lizzie was not only feeding rats to the walkers back at the prison but also that she was dissecting the rabbits. Overall, watching this child's psychosis rear all of its ugly head in this episode, was truly disturbing.
Do you think Carol and Tyreese made the right decision in order to protect Judith and any other living person with which Lizzie would ever come into contact? "Everything works out the way it's supposed to." The heartbreaking scene is available below as well as other clips afterwards, including a sneak peek of next week's episode, "Us."
-Larissa Mrykalo