While the exact plot of Harrison Wilkinson's script is being guarded like a pot of gold, WWE President Michael Luisi revealed in an interview, "The tone [of Origins] is going to be a little darker, a little more traditional horror than the Warwick Davis ones that people remember, trying to find a way to please fans of that genre; but at the same time this is really being played for scares."
For fans of the campy Warwick Davis flicks, what do you think of this darker reboot? Personally, I am equal parts excited and wary. The original, despite it's cheese factor, scared the bejeezus out of me and had me on a constant look out for four leaf clovers, just in case.
At the moment, there is no set release date, but a summer release is expected. Here's a quick sneak peek from the WWE that was released on St. Patrick's Day!
-Nowal Massari