An exclusive over at Entertainment Weekly revealed a key detail about the upcoming "American Horror Story: Freak Show" and those suffering from coulrophobia are in for a real treat...nope. Ryan Murphy dished with EW on the new season that's set in a 1950s Florida freak show run by a German. That German will be played by AHS regular and fan-favorite, Jessica Lange and she's always been a fan of this setting, according to Murphy.
Regarding "Freak Show," Murphy revealed, “It was always a concept that Jessica and I talked about really early on. It was always her favorite one, which I thought was funny. I’ve had many different versions that I’ve run by her. I just love it. It feels really right. I thought it was going to be light but it’s turning out to be quite terrifyingly dark, which it feels much more like the Asylum season. But look — if you have a character named the Clown Killer, it’s going to be dark.”
Um, Clown Killer? So is it a killer clown or a killer who murders clowns, because the latter sounds much more appealing. No judgement. Murphy confirms that it's not the latter, “Yes. The most terrifying clown ever!” But we already suspected a scary clown, right? They also asked about if Murphy will feature that lovely freak show staple, the Bearded Lady, "Yes. Our version of it.” Oh we're sure their version won't be run-of-the-mill. It better not be.
The circus comes to town this fall...most likely in October.
-Larissa Mrykalo