If you're an indie film maker and want to submit your work to the New York City Horror Film Festival, you're in luck. The popular festival has just started accepting entries for this year's festival that will be held from November 13-16. The deadline for film submissions is September 1; click here for more information. Let us know if you'll be either attending or submitting.
Here are more details from the Press Release via Dread Central:
Now in its 12th year the spectacular New York City Horror Film Festival, giving a platform to new and independent international horror film, returns for another grand weekend, November 13–16, 2014, on the twin screens of the Tribeca Cinemas, 54 Varick Street, just south of Canal.
The festival opens Thursday, November 13, at 7 pm with a gala opening night premiere film announced in October. The 2014 Michael J. Hein Award for Personal Achievement in Acting will be given to a very special guest on Saturday, November 15, and we'll be announcing our Lifetime Achievement Award recipient in October as well.
Michael J. Hein created the New York City Horror Film Festival in 2002 to offer a needed platform for the independent filmmakers of modern horror films and continued his work until his untimely passing in 2012. Now helmed by his mother, Ronnie Hein, the New York City Horror Film Festival continues Michael’s legacy, bringing revered filmmakers, newcomers, and short film creators together for a long weekend of camaraderie, thrills, and chills.
-Larissa Mrykalo