The 30th Anniversary of "Ghostbusters" deserves much attention this weekend. The supernatural comedy, directed and produced by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, was released on June 8, 1984. It was a phenomenon to say the least. I remember it very well and became an instant fan. Hell, I already loved the paranormal so when it was released, it made this nerdy teen feel slightly cool. Remember hearing about the 1-800 phone number you can call to get in touch with them? It was always busy. I was crushed.
Anyway, there are many interesting facts tied to the film and a new infographic developed by Mike Seiders, provides some neat tidbits. For example, did you know Aykroyd wrote the film with John Belushi, Eddie Murphy and John Candy in mind for the leads? Chevy Chase and Michael Keaton turned down the role of Peter. Good. Bill Murray owned that role and I had a big crush on him. Ivan Reitman also voiced the roles of Slimer pigging out and did the voice of Zuul when Dana was possessed. My favorite fun fact? Pee-Wee Herman was supposed to play Gozer. I know, right? Madness.
After the jump is the complete infographic and be sure to share any insider facts you may have about this classic. Thanks to the Huffington Post for this lead.
-Larissa Mrykalo