'The Rite' review: Giving this devil movie its due

Editor's Note: Instead of a lot of movie critic mumbo jumbo, this relaxed review comes to us today from special contributor, fashion blogger Jen Danczak. If you'd like to write for Paranormal Pop Culture, please email press@paranormalpopculture.com with your story submission.

 Have you ever wondered what would happen if you opened yourself up to the devil? In the new movie The Rite, which opens today and stars Anthony Hopkins, viewers can find out the answer.

I had the pleasure of being in the audience for this movie’s screening. During the opening scene - set in the embalming room of a mortuary - there were slightly graphic images that took over the screen that had me cringing. I immediately thought, “Great, it’s going to be one of those movies?”

Then the scene was over, and boy was I wrong.

The son of Rutger Hauer's character, Michael Kovak (relative newcomer Colin O’Donoghue) comes from a family of funeral home workers. He leaves this life to escape to seminary - and then tries to ditch that world before taking his vows as a priest.

Kovak is having a crisis of faith, and appears to be skeptical of the entire God/Devil deal. His Father Superior (Toby Jones) forces his hand to go overseas to Rome to attend "exorcism school" (apparently the devil has been hard at work, and the Vatican has decided it needs more exorcists, so Kovak either has to give it a shot, enjoy Italy, learn about Satan - or pay back seminary student loans).

While in Rome, yet another Father figure (Ciaran Hinds) sees potential in Kovak, but sends the skeptic to watch the work of Father Lucas, a very busy exorcist (Hopkins in scenery chewing mode). Lucas tries to convert Michael into actually believing and building faith, and Kovak plays sidekick and chief doubter on exorcisms involving a pregnant girl who spits up nails and a little boy haunted by a demon mule (with red eyes, natch).

The main message Lucas tries to impart is that the devil skulks quietly, preferring to be unseen, and doesn't always spit pea soup. And if someone is infested with demons, it can be a long process of multiple exorcising sessions before the beast goes bye-bye. Meanwhile Kovak chalks all the activity up to psychological issues.

Until he begins having his own experiences. What happens next is up to you to see. The film moves slowly, but maintains an eeriness about it throughout - although the ending is a big finish which gets somewhat over-the-top.

The symbolism is quite clear (nice for simple viewers like me), and the mentor/mentee relationship feels fresh and unexpected. With just the slightest amount of comedy, suspense, mystery - but not horrow - the viewer is kept on the edge of their seat waiting for the next move, and that is always a plus.

Aside from the storyline standpoint, I couldn’t help but notice the different eye-catching camera angles used. Not only that, but the acting was phenomenal. You can see how each actor and actress soaked themselves into the skin of their character in order for this movie to be successful, and it worked.

Although this movie is based off of true events in a non-fiction book by journalist Matt Baglio, The Rite is trying to be the heir to timeless film The Exorcist (even the actors vaguely resemble Fathers Merrin and Karras). While not as good (but far better than The Last Exorcism and in the same evil neighborhood as Emily Rose), The Rite is the closest modern parallel of the classic film with its own twists and distinctive plot. America’s obsession with demons and exorcisms continues with the help of this movie.

The Night Shift: Movie Mayhem

The Night Shift is the production diary of Fighting Owl Film's new independent supernatural-adventure-comedy of the same name currently in "post" in Mobile, AL. Over the course of the next several weeks and months, you'll get an insider's peek at what it's like for filmmakers to craft a new entry of paranormal pop culture from Erin Lilley, a producer and actress on the film.

Movie Mayhem

So, a funny thing happened over the weekend: The movie sort of ... imploded. It's fine now. Everything's been fixed, and we're back on track to be finished very, very, very soon, and my heart might even start beating again soon.

Saturday, we got an email from one of our special effects artists, telling us his computer had crashed. All of our files had been backed up, so they were fine, but if we wanted to have someone else finish them, that might not be a bad idea. He had an iPad, so he could communicate, but it wasn't going to be much help to us.


Our other effects artist was more than happy to take on the extra files, but waiting for him to respond to our plea was absolute torture.

'Ghost Hunters International' Sneak Peek

Here's a sneak peek from the next, all-new episode of Ghost Hunters International. Titled "Amsterdamned: Netherlands," Barry and Kris take on an investigation at an Amsterdam museum.

Syfy tells us:

The hallways are very narrow so they can only travel through the tight quarters one in front of the other. They finally reach a room where they can simply listen to what’s around them. Noises start to come from one direction but then they start to hear them from all angles. Is the intruder on the same floor?
Will Barry and Kris seek out the noises or run for the door? I think we know the answer to that one. Tune in to watch the entire episode on Wednesday at 9/8c, only on Syfy.

The Night Shift: Ghost Stories and Widows

The Night Shift is the production diary of Fighting Owl Film's new independent supernatural-adventure-comedy of the same name currently in "post" in Mobile, AL. Over the course of the next several weeks and months, you'll get an insider's peek at what it's like for filmmakers to craft a new entry of paranormal pop culture from Erin Lilley, a producer and actress on the film.

Ghost Stories

"Did you just go upstairs?"
Thomas seemed nervous last night when he came down the staircase and into the kitchen. 
"No, I've been down here, waiting on the stupid oven to finish pre-heating. I did walk over to the desk (by the stairs), though."

"Nah," he eked out. "I probably just hallucinated. I was at the computer, and out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw you go in our room. Anyway, you're not wearing gray sweatpants."
At this point, he ceased being the nervous one, and passed that role onto me. "Hold up. You could tell what kind of pants and what color?"
"All I saw were pants and hair. I thought you'd walked up the stairs and gone into our room. I got up and went in there to talk to you, and you weren't there. That's why I yelled for you. Then I heard you down here."
"You were probably just seeing things," I offered, in an attempt to calm us both down a bit. "If it makes you feel better, a couple of times I've sworn I'd seen someone standing in the guest room."
"You, too?!  Did you see the shadow move?"

Paranormal Pop Column: 'Being Human' beastly good, bloody real

What do a ghost, werewolf and vampire roommate have in common?  It’s not that they all walked into a bar and created the setup for a hilarious joke. 

Instead, it’s that they are not just supernatural but feel unnatural. They’re unexplainable rejects in a world where it seems the humans around them are living enviable, blissfully average existences.

And after watching the Syfy network’s new drama Being Human, the American reboot of the British show about the three cohabitating supers, I connected to the onscreen monsters.

A tagline for the show suggests it’s not easy being human, referring to the special issues of being immortal and feeding on blood or making certain to set time aside every full moon for a little feral activity. But Being Human just as easily relates to the idea it’s not easy being a single post-college 20-something working an entry-level job in an unwelcoming world.

In its first three episodes, Being Human manages to be witty, sexy, dark and emotional – not unlike the best of Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. Watching a show with some sex, blood and violence is far more entertaining than one called Being Angsty Quarterlife Crisis Human, the paranormal pop culture series explores the transitional phase when people are supposed to grow up and figure out what being an adult is all about.

When everyone around them appears to be picnicking and eating sandwiches on a sunny day, the characters of vampire Aidan (Sam Witwer), werewolf Josh (Sam Huntington) and Sally the ghost (Meaghan Rath) are trying to avoid too much attention whilst resolving their “stuff.”

Each had plans that didn’t exactly work out. For instance, Sally had the bad timing of dying before she could get married, and Josh couldn’t handle the pressures of lycanthropy and dropped out of premed. Meanwhile, Aidan is trying to become a better man; He’s trying to break his substance abuse (it’s a nasty plasma habit), leave behind him his bad boy reputation and ignore the old crowd of vampires who were never very good friends to begin with.

They compare their worlds with others, are nostalgic for the past, long for normalcy and intimacy, and seek an end to disappointment and frustration. The once-popular band of outcasts find others like them, share sorrows and discover new joys with (sometimes literally) gallows humor.

This is the life of nearly everyone who moves into a too-small apartment and must re-evaluate their world away from classrooms and parents. Instead of being content to address issues like getting hungover after a kegger, taking a final or pursuing a career that pleases the parents, the troubles are more complicated: Insecurity about love, hating a job, having bad credit, being unable to remain solid and move onto the afterlife. OK, maybe not the last one.

Being Human is such a good show because it feels so honest.  It is a paranormal series, but is about normal life – and that’s more frightening than full moon fever and carries more bite than a vampire.

Generation Z: Zombie superstars Kirkman and Brooks living up among the undead

Robert Kirkman

If George A. Romero, iconic director of 1968’s Night of the Living Dead and the five follow-ups, is the king of the modern zombie movement, then Robert Kirkman and Max Brooks are the deans of the dead.

In October 2003, comic book scribe Robert Kirkman’s Image Comics series The Walking Dead debuted as a monthly title. The celebrated title follows a growing, then declining, group of survivors from Kentucky to Georgia to Washington, D.C., as they attempt to survive and rebuild lives after the dead refuses to die.

Kirkman was already an accomplished comic book creator before Dead, but only 78 issues in – with no end in sight, he says – The Walking Dead is Kirkman’s legacy. Alternating between occasional uplifting moments and many depressing, disturbing scenes, the ongoing story presents world where no main character is safe.

Kirkman’s success with The Walking Dead led to Marvel Zombies in 2005, where he was given the freedom to turn super heroes Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk and others into flesh-eating versions of themselves. On Oct. 31, the televised adaptation of The Walking Dead premieres on AMC with a pilot directed by Dead fan/executive producer Frank Darabont (The Shawshank Redemption), and is perhaps the most eagerly anticipated show to premiere in the fall.

Max Brooks
Not a month before The Walking Dead was introduced, Max Brooks’ The Zombie Survival Guide was published in September 2003. Although previously an Emmy-winning comedy writer for Saturday Night Live, after Max Brooks wrote the critically-acclaimed bestsellers Guide and World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War in 2006, he became known as an academic of the slow-moving undead. Far from being in the shadow of his father, comedy director Max Brooks, the 38-year-old is a zombie historian and lecturer who gives presentations on recorded living dead attacks throughout history, and offers suggestions on how best to survive an impending zomb-pocalypse.

With the World War Z being turned into a summer 2012 film, starring and executive-produced by Brad Pitt, and the Guide having been spun off into the Recorded Attacks graphic novel and zombie scanner iPhone app, Brooks has become a zombie superstar – all because the shuffling, rotting corpses from horror movies haunted his dreams.

Spanish Film 'Atrocious' Coming To The States

Paranormal Activity may have met its match in the new movie Atrocious. Although originally a Spanish film, the same producer as the Paranormal Activity movies (Jason Blum) and the producer of Insidious (Brian Kavanaugh-Jones) have picked up the rights to remake an English version of Atrocious to bring to the States, according to MovieFone.

The "found footage" movie is about a family found gruesomely murdered in their countryside house. Police found 37 hours of recorded evidence  of their last five days of their lives. To pass time, the siblings were in search of "The legend of the girl in the Garraf woods," and were found dead under strange circumstances that remain unexplained.

The film is in the vein of The Blair Witch Project, Quarantine and especially Paranormal Activity. The 75-minute horror film shows images from video surveillance that are similar images as the Paranormal Activity shots. By mostly spending time in a house, and involving a family dog that barks at an unknown presence is also comparable to PA.

Although Atrocious was already presented at the Sundance Film Festival, there is currently no release date available.

- Jen Danczak

(Teaser trailer embedded after the jump)

Vatican denies involvement with Discovery Channel show

Last week Entertainment Weekly reported that the Discovery Channel was "teaming" with the Vatican for The Exorcist Files, a series which would "recreate stories of real-life hauntings and demonic possession, based on cases investigated by the Catholic Church."

And that was news to the Vatican.

In an interview with Discovery's president Clark Bunting, EW wrote the Vatican would be opening case files and allowing access to the show. However, by the end of the week, the director of the Vatican's Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, told EWTN/Catholic News Agency the report was "misleading" and the show wasn't officially collaborating with the Church.

Lombardi said the project may be in discussions with individual experts, but, "Neither are the Vatican nor the Catholic Church involved in this project ... every attribution of this kind to the Vatican must be considered inexact."

This is a bit of a smackdown from the pontiff to the publicity, but it's not surprising.  Not just anyone can claim to be hanging with the Vatican crew. Although the remaining thought is who is the possible "individual expert" involved with the show? What well-known demonologists and experts on exorcisms might be ready for a TV project?

UPDATED: The Los Angeles Times confirms the "guide" or de facto host of the show will be "Roman Catholic demonologist" layperson Adam Blai.

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question Five

Aerial photo of Kronborg Castle, photo by H.C. Steensen
Trivia Question #5: What do Joe and Britt witness as they investigate the Chapel?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question Six

Trivia Question #6: What team of investigators set up the battery drain experiment in the dungeon, and what's the resulting evidence?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question Four

Trivia Question #4: As stated in the premiere, what famous royalty honeymooned at Kronborg Castle?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question Three

Trivia Question #3: Before he was a full-time ghost hunter, Britth Griffith did what as a career?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question Two

Trivia Question #2: What are the names of Barry Fitzgerald's two books?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

GHI/Rolling Hills Trivia Question One

Trivia Question #1: Kris Williams first joined the GHI team for what investigation?

RULES: Keep checking this space all day today as we post six trivia questions about the Ghost Hunters International team and their premiere episode tonight at 9 p.m., EST. Send in all six answers in one email to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address - and follow (@aaronsagers) on Twitter to learn when winners are announced.

You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing. Everyone has a chance to win once the GHI has aired on Syfy.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading." 

Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Trivia Contest

Get your paranormal passports out and ready to receive a supernatural stamp because as of Jan. 5, 2010, at 9 p.m. EST, Ghost Hunters International returns to Syfy.

The new team of investigators - led by Barry Fitzgerald and Kris Williams (of TAPS and Ghost Hunters), and includes Britt Griffith (also formerly of GH), Joe Chin, Susan Slaughter and Paul Bradford - will travel the world seeking signs of the paranormal in historically haunted locales.

To celebrate the Jan. 5 season premiere of Ghost Hunters International, ParanormalPopCulture.com* is giving you an opportunity to meet and investigate with the cast of GHI when they all gather stateside for the first time ever for an investigation event at Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, NY, Jan. 14-16.

The GHI team is also bringing along some famous friends for the event such as paranormal reality-TV stars psychic/medium Chip Coffey (Psychic Kids, Paranormal State) and documentarian Bill Murphy (Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files), as well as author/tarot reader Scotty Roberts and ParanormalPopCulture.com editor/historian Aaron Sagers.

PRIZES: ParanormalPopCulture.com will give one lucky prize winner a free ticket to the three-day event at Rolling Hills Asylum, which includes a night of exploring with an investigation group and the cast, as well as access to multiple seminars and Q&As with the celebrities throughout the weekend.

Several more winners will receive discounted $99 tickets to the event (which is more than an $80 discount from the standard $179 tickets available for purchase at www.beyondevent.net).*

RULES: Keep checking this space all day on Wednesday, Jan. 5, as we post six trivia questions about the GHI team and their premiere episode. Send in answers to contest@paranormalpopculture.com along with your full name, email address and mailing address. You must get at least three answers correct to be in the running to be randomly selected for the prize drawing (but have no fear, we'll try to give you a couple easy questions).

And that's it! Everyone has a chance to win, and winners will be announced via this site and Twitter (@aaronsagers) once the GHI has aired on Syfy. So stay tuned to Ghost Hunters International on Jan. 5. and keep an eye out for trivia answers.

*ParanormalPopCulture.com nor the ParanormalPopCulture.com "Ghost Hunters International/Rolling Hills Asylum Contest" is affiliated with Syfy, "Ghost Hunters International" or Pilgrim Films & Television, Inc. 
**Prizes only includes event ticket and does not include travel, accommodations or access to the Chip Coffey "Lecture and Gallery Reading."