Every Fourth of July celebration should be a feast that includes hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob and, of course, braaainsss. At least that's the case in Seattle where a zombie-walk will occur tonight in the Fremont section at 6:30 p.m.
The "Seattle Red, White & Dead Zombie Party," sponsored by Xbox and Fremont Outdoor Movies, will precede a 9:45 screening of the zombie-homage flick Shaun of the Dead, and will also include a mass "Thriller" dance with a tutorial on all the moves - an activity planned before Michael Jackson's death.
The event is open to all people who show up at 6 p.m. covered in (fake) blood with tattered clothing, and a desire to shuffle down the road on an in a re-animated corpse stroll for victims. However, registration is required because organizer Ryan Reiter is trying to break the Guinness world record of zombies gatehered in one place, which currently stands just shy of 900 and was set in 2006 in Pittburgh at the site zombie classic Dawn of the Dead. According to the Seattle Times, Reiter is hoping for a flesh-eating flash mob of 5,000.
For those without zombie props on hand, there will be make-up tables available to get participants into a living impaired state of mind.