I have always had a fondness for old-school pin-up models with their strong yet delicate looks - and awesome hair. The ones with the birds in some sort of career get-up (nurse, mechanic, cowgirl, Santa - solid job choices, all) were my particular favorite and the best had a flirtatious gaze which seemed to be saying, "eat your heart out, boys!"
Well, these pin-ups girls would rather eat your heart out for you. Collected in a 2010 calendar, the My Zombie Pinup is 12 months of gore-geous undead dames "dying to get under your skin."
The site describes the style as Gil Elvgren mashed with Night of the Living Dead. And while Alberto Vargas might not dig it, Zombie Vargas would definitely approve.
2009 hasn't even expired yet and already I'm looking forward to killing off next year. But be warned, fellas, these gals like a guy with brains.
- aaron sagers