The Night Shift: Twas the Day Before Thanksgiving

The Night Shift is the production diary of Fighting Owl Film's new independent supernatural-adventure-comedy of the same name currently in "post" in Mobile, AL. Over the course of the next several weeks and months, you'll get an insider's peek at what it's like for filmmakers to craft a new entry of paranormal pop culture from Erin Lilley, a producer and actress on the film.

Twas the day before Thanksgiving

Twas the day before Thanksgiving
and one thing was certain:
it appeared our apartment
was styled by Tim Burton.
I wasn't alone
baking holiday pies,
for Herbie looked on
with his unseeing eyes.

There were boxes of bobbles
for Christmasses merry
stacked next to tombstones
and costumes quite scary.

Our pre-lighted tree
in its carton lies still,
shrouded in robes
from a reaper most ill.

Posters and mailers
and press kits are stacked
like ramshackle gifts
that have yet to be wrapped

Yes, one thing I've learned
that should come as no shocker:
It's time to invest
in a new storage locker.

Happy Holidays from all of us at Fighting Owl Films!

We're still plugging away at this thing. In the meantime, you can follow The Night Shift at You can check out the poster, trailer, cast and crew, and some fun downloads. Heck, if you like, you can even be our friend on Facebook and Twitter (@NightShiftMovie), where you can follow more of the progress of the movie.