Feeling supernaturally sneezy? |
Holistic healthcare practitioner and paranormal investigator Frank Cinelli aka "Dr. Spectre" joins us on occasion to offer advice about how to remain in a prime paranormal investigative state for the most healthy hunts. If you've questions for the good doc, send them to askdrspectre@gmail.com and reach out to him on Twitter @DrSpectre.
(*The Fine Print: ParanormalPopCulture.com cannot validate claims made by the columnist. Before taking any advice offered by the columnist, you should consult your physician)
Have you ever been trying to listen to EVP and heard sniffling, honking and wheezing? Instead of being paranormal phenomena, you know it came from you or a member of your team. Or have you been in the woods, and had a feeling that a 'Squatch is near - but when you try to bellow out your best squatchy scream, all you can do is hack and cough because of post-nasal drip?
Well folks, allergy season is upon us, and with as mild as a winter we have had, the experts predict this will be the worst allergy season on record.
There are plenty of over-the-counter allergy meds you can take, and most of them will work. However, most of them also have side effects and some can be serious. For example, some OTC meds can cause anxiety or depression, or perhaps create fatigue or sleeplessness? They can even cause low libido in men and women, as well as infertility and erectile dysfunction.
Now that I have your attention, let me just state the odds are in your favor that this won’t happen to you. But, if you are like me and don’t want to risk it, here are some natural alternatives you can try:
QuercetinA natural plant-derived compound called a bioflavonoid, quercetin helps stabilize mast cells and prevents them from releasing histamine. Citrus fruits, onions, apples, parsley, tea, tomatoes, broccoli, lettuce and wine are naturally high in quercetin, but allergy sufferers will most likely need to use supplements to build up enough of this compound to prevent attacks.
Since the 1950s, proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain, papain and protease have been used as anti-inflammatory agents. Even the ancient Mayans used papaya leaves to wrap around wounds. Today, proteolytic enzymes are used for a variety of problems of the ear, nose and throat due to the anti-inflammatory action, the thinning of the mucus and the shrinkage of tissue. This helps to open the natural drainage of the sinuses.
N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC)
An amino acid that is also a natural mucolytic, NAC reduces the viscosity of mucus. Clinical studies have proven oral doses of NAC to be an excellent means to recharge cellular glutathione, a foundational antioxidant.
Also there are combination products such as D-Hist from Ortho Molecular that contain quercetin (see above). And Stinging Nettles Leaf components from this have been shown to block important enzymes within the arachidonic acid cascade, as well as having proven their effectiveness in a single ingredient clinical trial.