'Being Human' with Kristen Hager and a glass of alcohol

Hager and Sagers. Photo property
Paranormal Pop Culture
Sometimes interviews happen in the most random circumstances that it just makes me love the job of journalist all the more. And the frequent open bars help too.

Such was the case in December when I got to chatting with Kristen Hager - the newest regular cast member of Being Human - at the Syfy holiday party. I have previously interviewed Hager and she's a delightful woman, and during an off-the-cuff conversation, I asked if I could break out my iPhone and do a little video interview.

This is the result. While I am certain many of my mentors are likely shaking their heads in shame by me obviously drinking while doing an interview, it was a helluva fun time. And Hager was just a charming, great sport.

And as a bonus, we actually get some tidbits about Season 3 of Being Human, premiering tonight.

(Apologies for the lousy framing; it's hard to shoot a video with a champagne flute in your hand.)

-Aaron Sagers