Well this is big news.
Much speculation has surrounded who would direct Star Wars VII for Disney, but thanks to an exclusive over at TheWrap.com, we know now J.J. Abrams (Star Trek Into Darkness, Lost) will command the ship despite being resistant and just wanting to be in the audience for one of the most anticipated sequels for 2015.
Back in November, Abrams, who is also an executive producer for NBC’s Revolution,, told EntertainmentWeekly.com:
"As a kid I was always a fan of special effects ... Watching movies I was constantly trying to figure out how they did it, whatever the effect was. Star Wars was the first movie that blew my mind in that way; it didn’t matter how they did any of it because it was all so overwhelmingly and entirely great. It was funny and romantic and scary and compelling and the visual effects just served the characters and story. It galvanized for me; not for what was exciting about how movies were made, but rather for what movies were capable of."
Abrams apparently beat out fellow contender - and Argo director - Ben Affleck. So what do you think of Abrams being the chosen one? What are your hopes and fears for the Star Wars franchise?
-Larissa Mrykalo