Martin-Green |
According to a Rolling Stone article in the March 27 issue, star Andrew Lincoln, aka Rick Grimes, reveals that "27 people die" in the Walking Dead finale. And these are actual characters, not zombies. We can only guess that this will occur during a huge showdown between the residents of the prison and Woodbury, but who will meet their demise? Fans are certainly speculating.
If you’ve read the comic books, you already know who survives, but the show has not mirrored the book preciesly. We reported yesterday that Dallas Roberts, who plays Milton, is joining another show -- as is Tyreese's sister Sasha (played by Sonequa Martin-Green). So it might be a good bet that they'll make the list. But that still leaves 25 people.
Who do you think will make it to Season Four? Who do you think will not? The season finale, titled "Welcome to the Tombs," airs March 31st at p.m. ET on AMC.
-Larissa Mrykalo