Washington Irving’s dark tale of the Headless Horseman is being brought back to life in a new series from Fox. Sleepy Hollow is the modernization of the classic in which Ichabod Crane along with the Headless Horseman are brought back to life 250 years later.
Even though the ordering of the series was just announced last week, there is already a trailer available to check out. This isn't totally surprising since the Fox upfronts (where they unveil programming peeks to advertisers and press) were just last night in New York City.
The series has kind of a National Treasure meets Supernatural meets Life on Mars vibe, and ties together American history, time travel and the occult. It also looks kind of cheesy, but fun. It stars Tom Mison, Orlando Jones, Nicole Beharie, Katia Winter -- and geek faves John Cho and Clancy Brown, at least for a little while -- and will air Mondays this fall.
-Larissa Mrykalo