Disney Pixar’s Monsters University taught the zombies of Brad Pitt’s World War Z a lesson and took the top spot, grossing $82 million. WWZ took in a respectable $66 million but it has a way to go before recouping its almost $200 million budget.
Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel remained strong in third place and added an additional $41.2 million making its total take a whopping $210 million. It did however cost $225 million to make but we’re confident that will be recovered soon.
The Seth Rogen/Jonah Hill comedy This is the End brought $13 million to its kitty for a nice $57.9 million. End’s budget was a mere $32 million, so the bawdy boys should be happy!
Did you hit the theaters this weekend? Which film did you “contribute” to? Let us know!
-Larissa Mrykalo