Dragon Con is approaching fast and to make things even more exciting than they usually are, they're pairing with PassionTag to make sharing your event photos even easier.
The world renowned con takes place in Atlanta this August 30-September 2 and is known for featuring comics, film, television, costuming, art, music, and gaming. Needless to say, an abundance of photos are taken so the PassionTag app is an awesome way to tag and share them.
According to the press release, the app "allows users to tag their photos with any of a dozen Dragon Con-related tags, and then post them to their favorite social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook. Users can view and “like” all the photos organized under a specific tag regardless of who posted them. Or, they can follow their friends and other users to view their photo streams."
The app will also be behind the con's digital Costume Contest by giving attendees a "special Costume Contest PassionTag that they can use to capture pictures of fabulous costumes." The most "liked" photo will receive a prize. Other contests are planned as well.
App users are also able to create their own tags for things they love. There's also a “digital backpack” which allows users to "attach interactive actions that bring photos to life – Websites, Videos, Facebook pages, Twitter channels, and more." Inappropriate photos can also be reported and removed.
The app is available for the iPod touch, iPad, and iPhone and will soon be available for IOS and Android devices, so keep checking.
Let us know if you're heading to Dragon Con this year and if you'll be trying out this app.
-Larissa Mrykalo