AMC Offers a Marathon of "The Walking Dead" To Prep for Season Four

Do you want to catch up on "The Walking Dead" before its fourth season premieres, but don't have the DVDs? Well, don't worry fiends, AMC has you covered.

Starting Monday, October 7 at 8 p.m. ET, AMC will air a marathon of everyone's favorite undead drama, beginning with the pilot "Days Gone By." The marathon will run until the Season Three finale, "Welcome to the Tombs," which airs at 4 a.m. ET on October 13. There will be breaks in the marathon to accommodate other programming, but worry not, AMC has provided a schedule so you can plan your naps, food breaks and bathroom trips.

The third season will be fully re-aired starting at 5 a.m. ET, and will run until the Season Four premiere, "30 Days Without An Accident," at 9 p.m. ET.

Don't forget to watch "The Talking Dead" immediately following the premiere, for a nerdy, in-depth analysis on the shows return.

To get you even more in the mood, check out the latest promo...

-Nowal Massari