The realm of the paranormal enters The Weather Channel with its new series, “Freaks of Nature.” The series focuses on ordinary individuals who do extraordinary things, for example, according to the press release, “possess the power to control, manipulate or conquer nature, performing feats that could harm or kill the average human.”
Hosted by Tyler Harcott of “Junkyard Wars,” “Freaks of Nature” features such familiar names as high wire artist, Nik Wallenda and extreme surfer, Laird Hamilton. One of the episodes focuses on how the human body reacts to extreme cold and introduces us to Wim Hof. Hof is a man who defies all logical explanation when it comes to cold endurance. Watch as he is deliberately encased in over 1000 pounds of ice for one hour and lives to tell about his amazing feat.
Other feats involve humans who can “pass electricity through their body and out their fingertips in a bolt of lightning; set themselves on fire, claiming to be fireproof; and fly like a human-bird at speeds more than 100 mph.”
“Freaks of Nature” premieres on The Weather Channel on Sunday, November 17 with back-to-back episodes at 10:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. ET.
-Larissa Mrykalo