Stanton Friedman -- a legend of Ufology who has spent more than four decades researching "flying saucers" and the Roswell Incident -- suffered a mild heart attack last Friday night, June 27. Stan is doing OK, but won't be up to attending the festival on doctor's orders (only the second time he's missed it). Fellow noted UFO researcher Kathleen Marden issued this statement via Stan today:
"Stanton Friedman suffered a mild heart attack on Friday night. I spoke with him this morning and am very pleased to report that he is feeling strong and chipper. His heart enzymes have declined, so he has turned the corner. He is awaiting a dye test and an echo cardiogram. This will probably occur today or Wednesday, as July 1 is a national holiday in Canada.
He does not presently have access to a public phone or computer, but will reply to email messages when he returns home in a few days. Please do not call his home. Well wishers can send cards to Stan at P.O. Box 958, Houlton, ME 04730. He appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers."Now this is definitely a bummer as hearing Stan talk is really something else (and moderating a panel last year at the festival with him, Jesse Marcel, Jr., Don Schmitt and Tom Carey was a highlight) but the 80-year-old nuclear physicist is a tough cookie. Stay tuned for updates on Stan, and go ahead and send those well wishes.
And if you'll be at the Roswell UFO Festival, you can still pick up Stan's book at Marden's table.
Get well soon, Stan!
-Aaron Sagers