"This house is really bad." Ya think? The latest film in the long-standing franchise (number 12 to be exact) that is "based on true events" is coming to haunt theaters on January 2, 2015 and its first trailer has been released via
Yahoo! Movies. "Amityville: The Awakening" stars Cameron Monaghan as James, the severely injured son of Jennifer Jason Leigh and brother of brooding Bella Thorne. The home on 112 Ocean Avenue is close to a good hospital and despite its dark past, will prove to be a super duper place for him to recover and not be possessed by evil. Where's dad though? It's probably for the best. Dads don't do very well in this home.
The trailer is super creepy and perhaps this film has potential to scare and entertain? Check it out below and let us know if you're ready to another trip to Amityville.
-Larissa Mrykalo