Ghostly Love Prevails in the Short Film, "Breathe"

"The longer you hold your breath, the more she'll do."

A recent Vimeo Staff Pick short is the perfect spooky tale for Valentine's Day. "Breathe" is a 2013 short directed by Toby Meakins that features only three actors...two are "friends" (Jack North and Josef Altin) and one is a lovely ghost (Orion Ben). It proves that love doesn't only exist on this plane, it can be pretty ugly, and it also may give paranormal investigators out there a new trick to try. I shan't divulge more since it's all twisty and stuff.

Enjoy "Breathe" and let us know what you think. Thanks to MoviePilot for the heads up. (Warning...contains language.)

-Larissa Mrykalo

BREATHE from Toby Meakins on Vimeo.