The Jordan Rubin-directed film is described by IMDB as, "A fun weekend turns into madness and horror for a bunch of groupies looking for fun in a beaver infested swamp." Enough said?
The LA Times had decent things to say, "Zombeavers is the mutant love child of horror specialist Troma, early Peter Jackson, Japanese kaiju flicks and Canadian television sketch comedies — a film that disgusts, terrifies and tickles in equal measure with grotesque creatures and a sickening sense of humor." They go on to say, "Despite the deliberately schlocky effects and puppetry, other aspects of the filmmaking are surprisingly satisfactory." Well I know how I'm spending my Friday night!
Check out the trailers and then let us know if you plan on checking it out. We're sure the theater experience would be dam good but most of us will enjoy it in the privacy and safety of our own homes. You can click here for a list of theaters.
-Larissa Mrykalo