'Face Off' Recap: 'Frightful Fiction'

All photos courtesy Syfy.

After the longest commercial break, er, wedding, ever, it was finally Missy who was eliminated. Farewell Mold Whisperer. Let's do this.

Okay, back to business. Nora is locked and loaded to redeem herself but no rest for the weary. We're cranking it up to '11' tonight - no foundation challenge. No spotlight challenge. It's all about the focus challenge as in 'focus on the most important part of the make-up: the face.' This is an individual challenge and with such a specific and narrow objective, they only get two days. Right, because they've all proven themselves masters of time management so far. Anyway, the focus challenge is classic literature/horror mash-ups. Remember folks: your protagonist needs to show great attention to detail, clean edges and clean make up. You know it's serious when McKenzie practically begs them to listen to her which usually means things are going to go horribly off the rails.

Design Phase
Kevon - King Arthur & the Undead Knights
Meg - Scarlet Letter Puritan Poltergeist
Nora - Gulliver's Travels in the Underworld
Ben - King Arthur Undead Knights
Scott - Don Quixote Monster of La Mancha
Brittany - Great Expectations of a Serial Killer
Jordan - The Exorcism of Monte Cristo
Libby - The Exorcism of Monte Cristo
Stevie - Don Quixote Monster of La Mancha
Jasmine - Sherlock Holmes Bloodsucker
Evan - Sherlock holmes blooksucker
Jason - Scarlet Letter Puritan Poltergeist
Ricky - Utterly forgettable so we don't care.

Lest we forget: focus on the face!!! Mr. Westmore likes Scott's idea but isn't sold on Brittany's interpretation of Miss Havisham as and old burn victim as Glenn and Ve have a lot of old age make-up experience and this looks like high school. And still she goes with it. Sigh. What's the first rule of 'Face Off'? Always listen to Mr. Westmore.

Scott is the first one into the molding room and Jasmine has more horns on Sherlock Holmes' vampire daughter. Be careful not to become a one-trick pony, Jasmine. Let the freak outs begin!

Application Phase
Evan and Jasmine are feeling good about their looks and Scott's Frankenstein's monster concept is coming together nicely. Brittany is very stressed as her old burn concept looks neither old nor burned and Meg's look has way too much texture.

Last looks
Oh, right. The face. Onward!

Reveal Stage
Tonight's special guest judge is Lois Burwell so you guys are toast. Let's see how well they all listened.

Welcome back Lois! 
Evan - Sherlock Holmes as a vampire. He's as neat an eater as is my first grader which is to say, not at all.
Stevie - Don Quixote as a dragon man. My, what a pointy chin you have.
Kevon - Liberata Zombie Merlin. I'm going to be sleeping with one eye open tonight.
Brittany - "Big Fish" witch: The Beige-ening.
Meg - Sing it with me now: 'Purple Decay....'
Ricky - Who? Oh, right, the demented Cardinal Richelieu-Fawkes puppet.
Jason  - A Clockwork Sharpei.
Nora - Burlesque Vampira
Libby - Anakin Skywalker before his destiny threw him in a lava lake.
Scott  - Patchwork zombie.
Ben - Zombie king 'Excali-BRAINNNNNS! (are we seeing a theme here?)
Jordan - Darth Maul after a Caribbean vacation.
Jasmine - Vampire Jinx: Girl Detective.

The judges are very much not loving Meg's creation but have high praise for Scott and Jasmine.

Ben Liby Jordan, Evan, Kevon, Ricky (who?), Nora

Top Looks
Jasmine - A strong concept with clean and beautiful makeup. This is her second week in a row in top looks so she's going to be one to watch.

'V' is for Vampire.
Stevie - She's lacking in confidence but demonstrated strong sculpting skills with solid time management.

I am the Lizard King!
Scott - They liked the whole concept and particularly that he showed a strong understanding of anatomy.
Onward, Ferb!
Bottom Looks
Jason - The pinky/purple ridged vegetable alien really didn't fit the parameters of the challenge.
Brittany - The make-up was too muddy and soft and it was a bad idea to meld age and burn.
Meg - The whole thing was very bizarre and the poor sculpting and paint job made it an all-around fail.



McKenzie has been taking these eliminations really hard this season which is odd considering that the contestants this season are nowhere near the caliber of previous seasons based on what we've seen so far. The artists need to stop playing for safety and go all-in every. single. time. Tune in next Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on Syfy for 'The Gatekeepers' to see if they do.