All photos courtesy Syfy. |
When we left off after the camera test, Nora and Ben were feeling pretty good about their work while Evan despaired. As usual. Then, the twist! A script change requiring not only fixing the current characters per Patrick's direction but also a brand new third character! Excited is probably not the word I would use right now. Season Nine has come to a close so let's do this!
No worries guys, we won't hang you out to dry completely, we'll give you some more help!
Nora - Ricky
Ben - Jason
Ben's got another alien
Evan's is a monster fully mutated from the virus.
Nora's is from the same tribe as the prey character that will hunt the hunter. Everyone get that?
Mr. Westmore and Patrick arrive to check on the progress and give pointers so nothing scary about that at all.
To Ben they suggest giving the third character a more human side, more like a sacrifice which of course means beauty makeup and oh crap.
Evan has completely redesigned the initial characters as well as drafted the fully mutated version leaving Patrick impressed. Evan may drive me nuts with his monotone wishy-washyness but he does take constructive feedback well and does some amazing things with additional direction.
Nora's vision of the third character is as an enforcer. Almost big-brother like to the the prey who leads the hunter into the trap.
It's the last day in the lab ever and pre-painting is the buzzword. Showing actual leadership skills, Evan has Libby organize and pack the kits for transport to the set. That or he was trying to minimize the damage she could do. Just saying. That's a wrap in the lab; good work this season y'all.
The Prey
Team Nora gets to their makeup trailer and gets to work. Ricky struggles with the edges pulling, the hunter is looking too white and they have to paint the entire giant in an hour. NBD. They used every last second but all three make ups look great.
On set, Meg and Jasmine watch the monitors while Nora and Ricky are on call to provide touch ups per Patrick's direction. She has to anticipate what he going to ask for between shots and doing it without being told. To make things more fun, the Hunter will now run through a stream so waterproofing the make-up will be pretty important. The third character is only on screen for a split second but it is, to quote Neville Page, 'bad-ass!' I couldn't agree more Neville.
Team Ben arrives on the set to the great news of good edges on the new female face prosthetic. And now, beauty make up, where many a hope and dream has gone to die. For some odd reason, they sculpted the face in two parts as opposed to one so of course the edges are showing through. Jason's working on the application but the more he does, the worse it gets. Finally Ben throws some blood on it and calls it a competition. The Priest and Creature characters look magnificent as Ben was able to spend a lot of time on the detail work but will it be enough to offset the face of the victim?
This is a night shot and with the only light coming from fire, the Priest looks awesome. Patrick recognizes and comments that they notes his recommendations and delivered on them. He doesen't care for the stuff around the victim's mouth but acknowledges in the context of the story it isn't a bad thing.
This is a night shot and with the only light coming from fire, the Priest looks awesome. Patrick recognizes and comments that they notes his recommendations and delivered on them. He doesen't care for the stuff around the victim's mouth but acknowledges in the context of the story it isn't a bad thing.
Quarantine Zone
Team Evan basically redid everything and for once, the pieces all came out with a hitch. It's time to pre-paint so drink your drink. Kevon and Evan work very well together but Evan's leadership is crumbling with him jumping from piece to piece, perfecting the details.
On set, the first thing Patrick does is have the female hero lose the coat. They thought she'd be wearing it the whole time and now have to dirty and distress her. Surprisingly, Evan does not lose his cool but solves the problem and the effect is strong. It works much better within the story. The characters all look big-screen worthy and ready to go.
This is going to be an extremely tough decision for the judges as all three finalists showcased very strong make-ups.
Patrick was very pleased with the professionalism of all three on the set. Evan's new third character was awesome and the improved initial characters were very impressive. Nora had a beautiful paint job on her characters and the tree hunter was organic. The scale of the third was right on, giving a 'protective' vibe. The Priest forms Ben did were fantastic and the Creature was beyond thorough. The Victim, however, had problems with her make-up and that all but sealed Ben's fate right there. Thanks a lot, Jason.
With all of that said, the winner of "Face Off Season Nine" is Nora! That makes it three in a row for the ladies. Well done everyone and congratulations to all of the finalists.
Thanks for following along everyone! Season Ten of 'Face Off' is coming in January so keep watching SyFy and until then, we'll see you at the movies!