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All photos courtesy Syfy. |
Here we go, the second half of the Season 10 finale. Right now Team Walter is cruising through this horror movie challenge with Team Melissa and Team Rob needing a lot redesign work. Can Melissa keep her team focused? Can Rob resist the urge to throw the sculpey at Director Bryce? Can Walter continue to guide his team to movie magic? A winner will be crowned at the end of the night so let's do this.
After the screen tests they head back to the lab where they get a pick-me-up from surprise family visits. They are all so darn adorable! Okay, enough fun and smiles, back to work people. Team Walter can keep moving forward, not having to redo anything which is a really good position to be in. Melissa and Rob have a lot of work to (re)do but they're focused and in it to win it.
Application Day
Team Melissa is up first. They head to the set and tag team the application as there is a lot to get done before the characters are needed on set. They look cool in person but how will it translate on film? Dun dun dunnn. Director John is pleased but we need more shine. Seeing the scene play out on the monitors is really really cool.
Team Rob is up next. While Anna focuses on the possession application and securing the edges, Rob and Kaleb apply the demon pieces and rig up a last-minute oil tear gag which has to be done before it goes on so no pressure. And now, we paint. They get to the set and Bryce is excited but he was the same way before the camera test so we'll take this with an entire shaker of salt. The oil gag worked but the oil in the possessed girl's hair dried out so we need MOAR OIL.
Team Walter films last. Mel works on the possessed character and Walter touches up the demon while Robert is in charge of the teeth, no doubt naming and creating a backstory for each one of them. Ryan really seems to appreciate the make up and Walter is in full hands-on mode. They throw some dirt on him at the last minute which really brings the whole ensemble together. Walter is very very happy with how they both turned out. By dialing back the vines on the possessed girl, it really made the possession 'pop', Ellie May Clampett outfit aside.
That's a wrap so let's fill some time by talking to the judges. And by 'talking' we of course mean 'critiquing' so let's get some feedback and roll 'em!
Melissa - In her script, the demon was trying to enter our world through a doll, Mr. Sticks. The judges loved the cohesive feel and the blurring of the single eye/double eye detail. And now, the film. Wait. No one said I'd be watching horror tonight.

Walter - His story was more organic as the demon seemed to be made out of pumpkin vines. The judges really like the symmetry of the design and how well he worked with Ryan. He covered a lot of ground with a high volume of work. It's a very complete short film but I'm forced to question why the new home-owners did not do more research on the property, seeing as how 'Sam' is such a hipster and all.

Rob - His demon was a malevolent spirit that was released by oil pumps. Wow, this explains so, so much about Bryce. The judges liked the characters and the evil magic dust. He focused on the right things and let's be honest here, he had the most difficult director to work with as redoing both make ups was his only option after the camera test. This one was set in the 1930s so they get a pass on not sufficiently researching the property before buying.

Judges - All three finalists did a great job; Melissa followed John's vision but her choosing to extend the eye was a truly great decision that upped the creep factor by a lot. Walter's demon was cool and 'Martha' was transformed into the possessed believably with organic vines going into her skin. Rob managed his time very well and really turned up the volume on the style. His decision to go for a colorless makeup for the possessed 'Martha' was a fantastic decision.
And the Season 10 winner is...Rob.
The ladies' win streak ends at 3. Congratulations to Rob, Walter, Melissa, and all the contestants on Season 10. That's it for us but join us again in 2017 for Season 11, only on Syfy.