She's coming! She's coming! Evan Rachel Wood (yes, THAT Evan Rachel Wood) will make her True Blood debut Aug. 30 as Queen Sophie-Ann.
The mother of all vamps, she outranks any sucker we've met in Louisiana. Her multi-epi arc will for sure bring all kinds of trouble to Bon Temps.
I am incredibly psyched that True Blood is giving us a powerful vampire woman for a change. Don't get me wrong — I heart Pam. She's great for comic relief and a fabulous pair of heels. But her power-wielding is seriously lacking. If Eric drank coffee, she'd be the one making it. And while the recent addition of the super-strong, super-evil Lorena is thrilling fun, makers are a dime a dozen around these parts.
Let's roll out the red carpet for Queen Sophie-Ann. And don't be too quick to judge her from this photo. She may be well-coiffed, sultry and practically dripping in pure white innocence, but methinks she will be the scariest thing we've seen yet.
— amy kates