Thanks to Patton Oswalt's improv, the poster it spawned, an announcement from Disney that there will be a parade of new Star Wars films starting in 2015 and a hilarious interaction on Jimmy Kimmel Live, fans got to enjoy some smiles amid all the sad news this week.
If you watched NBC’s Parks and Recreation last night, you got to enjoy a very passionate pitch from Oswalt who appeared on the show as a filibustering Pawnee citizen who desires a Star Wars/Avengers merger.
It was dizzying and hilarious and may just give you a nerdgasm. AND technically possible according to the rules of the Infinity Gauntlet. Watch the entire 8-min improv session here:
Because of the sheer awesomeness of his pitch, Entertainment Weekly artist Jef Castro created this poster for the movie based on Oswalt's ideas.
Then, on Wednesday night, Harrison Ford appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live to discuss his current film, 42. Inevitably, questions about his iconic role in Star Wars and details about the upcoming Episode VII would arise. He didn’t really want to talk about it at all.
Kimmel asked if Ford would take questions from the audience but after he demands that the questions DO NOT include any about Star Wars, things get ... hairy.
His feigning of anger actually showed shades of Han Solo -- and it sounds like the years have not been kind to his relationship with an old friend.